Yumi LEE
Landscape Deisgn
1998 - 2001미국 펜실베니아대학교 디자인대학원 조경 및 지역계획학과, 조경학석사 (MLA)
1996 - 1998미국 보스턴대학교 미술대학원, 미술석사 (MFA)
1992 - 1996서울대학교 미술대학 조소과, 미술학사 (BFA)
2010.09 - 현재서울대학교 환경대학원 환경설계학과 조교수
2003.03 - 2010.08Hargreaves Associates, San Francisco CA, Senior Associate
2009.05 - 2010.08LAND+ Design Studio, San Francisco, CA, Principal
2001.12 - 2003.02Marta Fry Landscape Associates, San Francisco, CA, Designer
2001.05 - 2001.07Office of University Architects, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Part-time Designer
2000.06 - 2000.08Ken Smith Landscape Architects, New York, NY, Design Intern
미국 조경기술사 Landscape Architect Licensed in California, 2006
미국 친환경인증기술사 LEED Accredited professional, 2005
미국 실시설계도면기술사 CDT: Construction Documents Technologist, 2006
International Federation of Landscape Architects
American Society of Landscape Architects
Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research (editorial board)
한국조경사회 (상임이사)
한국조경학회 (이사)
국토도시계획학회 (정회원)
한국도시설계학회 (정회원)
교육시설학회 (정회원)
Lee, Y. (2014) “Coastal Planning Strategies for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: A Case Study of Mokpo, Korea.” Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, vol. 2(1): 74-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jbcpr.2014.21007
Lee, Y.*, Shin, H. (2014) “The Relationship between the Pedestrian Movement Pattern and the Pedestrian Network at a University Campus.” Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, Vol. 21(2): 25-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.7859/kief.2014.21.2.025
Lee, Y.*, Han, G. and Kim, H. (2014) “The University-City Interface: Plazas and Boulevards.” Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, vol. 2(2): 157-165.
Cho, K., Lee, H., Min, D., Park, W., Lee, Y., Shin, C., Kim, T., Kang, J. and Nobuoka, H. National Assessment on Sea Level Rise Impact of Korean Coast in the Socio-economic Context II. Seoul: Korea Environment Institute. 2012. (ISBN: 978-89-8464-649-0)
학술발표 (** indicates corresponding author)
Lee, H. and Lee, Y.** (2014) "The Recovery of Spaces for Emergencies: Designing Waterfronts with Expanding Boundaries.” IFLA 2014 World Congress Proceeding
Lee, Y. (2013) “Design Adaptation for Sea Level Rise: Case Studies of Two Coastal Cities in Korea.” 2013 ECLAS: European Council of Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany
Lee, Y. (2013) “Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategies: A Case Study of Mokpo, Korea.” 2013 CELA: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Texas, Austin Texas
Jin, J. and Lee, Y.** (2013) "A study on the Relationship between Flood Adaptation and Urban Form.” Korea Planners Association 2013 Fall Conference Proceeding
Lee, Y. (2012) “The Changing Coastlines: A Comparative Analysis of Coastal Land Reclamation and Sea Level Rise.” IFLA: International Federation of Landscape Architecture 2012 World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa
Lee, Y. (2012) “Garden City Revived: Design Perspectives on Urban gardening.” Green Community Design 2012 Annual Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul
Lee, Y. (2009) “Evolutionary Recovery: Rethinking of Waterfront Design Responding to Sea level Rise.” IFLA-APR 2009 Annual Congress Proceeding, Songdo, Incheon
(환경대학원 재직중)
국가 해수면상승 적응방안 및 취약사례지역연구
방포항 연안경관 조성사업 시범구상안
울진 해수욕장 마스터플랜
헬싱키 사우스하버 마스터플랜 아이디어 공모전
역사도시 홍성 도심활성화 조경계획 마스터플랜
서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 노천극장 현상설계
서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 마스터플랜 조경계획
서울대학교 평창 그린바이오첨단연구단지 중장기발전 조경계획
서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 지속가능성 연구
서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 중앙관리본부 설립추진연구
서울대학교 사회대학 전면부지 조경계획 마스터플랜
서강대학교 남양주 캠퍼스 마스터플랜
Shamrock Central Park 2011 국제설계공모전
순천국제정원박람회 테마정원설계 한독공동연구
(LAND+Design 재직중)
Evolutionary Recovery: Rising Tides Competition, San Francisco, CA
River City Uprising: Planning Concept Idea Competition, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Gadeok Air-Land: Urban Idea Competition for Gadeok-do, Busan, Korea
Blue Report: Riverfront City Vision Competition, Korea
The Passage of Gardens: Garden Expo Master Plan Competition, Suncheon, Korea
The Park: Yongsan Park Idea Competition, Seoul, Korea
Pandora Community Garden: Green Shed Competition, Vancouver, Canada
Motor City into Garden City: One Prize Competition, New York, NY
Park Residence Gardens, San Francisco, CA
Shin Residence Gardens, Sacramento, CA
(Hargreaves Associates 재직중)
One Island East Plaza and Promenade, Hong Kong, China
Mandarin Oriental Plazas and Gardens, MGM City Center, Las Vegas, NV
Chicago Downtown Park, Chicago, IL
Lane Field Landscape Improvement, San Diego, CA
UC Berkeley College Plaza Master Plan/Roof Garden, Berkeley, CA
Stanford University College of Science Quad, Palo Alto, CA
University of Arizona Alumni Plaza, Tucson, AZ
College of Santa Fe Master Plan, Santa Fe, NM
Allergan Campus Landscape, Irvine, CA
ResMed Headquarter Campus Landscape, San Diego, CA
Brightwater Wastewater Treatment Plant, Seattle, WA
(Marta Fry Landscape Architects 재직중)
Mission Creek Park, San Francisco, CA
Mission Bay Streetscape, San Francisco, CA
Sonoma Vineyard Estate, Sonoma, CA
(Ken Smith Landscape Architects 재직중)
Lever House Noguchi Garden, New York, NY
Malcolm X Plaza, New York, NY
Columbus Center, New York, NY