GSES Education System

Course Graduate school Department Major
(by Curriculum)
(In Korean)
(In English)
(88 Students)
Specialized Graduate School Dept' of Environmental Planning
(56 Students)
Urban and Regional Planning Major
(24 Students)
Master of City Planning
Transportation Studies Major
(11 Students)
Master of City Planning in Transportation Studies
Environmental Management Major
(17 Students)
Master of City Planning in Environmental Studies
Urban and Social Innovation Major
(4 Students)
Master of City Planning in Urban and Social Innovation
Dept' of Environmental Design
(32 Students)
Environmental Landscape Architecture Major 조경학
Master of Landscape Architecture
Urban Environmental Design Major Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design
Ph. D.
(29 Students)
Graduate School Dept' of Environmental Planning
(19 Students)
- 도시계획학
Doctor of Philosophy in City Planning
Program in Landscape Architecture
(10 Students)
- 공학박사 Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering

※ Students of Dept' of Environmental Planning may be granted a Master in Engineering, Doctor of Engineering, Master of Science, Doctor of Science if criteria are met.