Department of City Planning(Doctor)
Department of Environmental Management(Doctor)
Dept. of Environmental Planning(Doctor)
The Department of Landscape Architecture offers a broad range of professional design discipline and vision that addresses both the built and natural environments, with the intent of making them meaningful and sustainable. In the era of globalization, the Department aims to foster a competitive and integrative approach to education and research to meet the challenges of the ever-changing contemporary society. The academic program of the Department of Landscape Architecture at GSES provides a convergent curriculum with practical solutions that addresses a variety of topics including environment, sustainability, ecology and urbanization issues.
Climate change will bring incomparable changes to cities in the future as well as landscape architectural practices. The Department seeks creative solutions to urban, ecological, and environmental problems. Its contribution to sustainable landscape architecture and urban design serves as an impetus to furthering Green Growth.
Asia is now emerging into the world. The future possibilities are limitless for passionate, creative and intelligent students well trained in educational institutions that recognize such opportunities. In response to the urgent needs for landscape design and planning leaders, the Department fosters the learning of essential knowledge and techniques, which allows students to make a difference in the future all over the world.
Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture(Doctor)
'Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture' is managed by establishing a doctoral program with the collaboration between 'Department of Landscape Architecture in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences(CALS)' and 'Department of Environmental Design in Graduate school of environmental studies(GSES)' in 1989 and aims to train high-quality professionals in the broad areas related to landscape architecture.
Therefore, planning, design, and research in relation to landscape architecture are being conducted by applying areas such as urban, architecture and environment.
Various research projects as of the moment include those related to the design of landscape architecture planning as well as planning and design of urban/housing complex, landscape and environmental aesthetics, ecological planning, environmental psychology, ecological tourism, etc.
In addition, professors, graduates, and current students are very active in landscape and environment-related fields at all levels of society, including universities, national and public research institutes, and government agencies.