[Colloquium] Urban morphology and spatiotemporal variabilities of urban surface temperature: Evidence from remote sensing and statistics (April 7)

  • Date April 3, 2023
  • Hit 513

ㅇ 일시: 10:30 am - 11:30 am, April 7
ㅇ 장소: 환경대학원 82동 103호 * zoom ID 957 3586 9743 (https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95735869743)
ㅇ 주최: 서울대학교 환경계획연구소, 서울대학교 환경대학원 지속가능발전혁신 연구실, 서울대학교 환경대학원 4단계 BK21: 대전환기 지속가능도시 혁신인재 양성단
ㅇ 사회 : Steven Jige Quan 교수 / 환경대학원 도시 및 지역계획학 전공
ㅇ 강연자/소속: Yujin Park / Department of Urban Planning and Real Estate at Chung-Ang University
ㅇ 강연자 소개: Yujin Park is an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Real Estate at Chung-Ang University. Prior to joining Chung-Ang, she was an assistant professor in the Department of City Planning and Real Estate Development at Clemson University, SC, USA. Dr. Park's research aims at advancing understanding of sustainable urban form and design in 3D, with an emphasis on exploring the trade-offs between different design strategies. Her recent work examines the varied role of urban trees and green spaces in moderating urban temperatures leveraging the capabilities of 3D city modeling, remote sensing, and statistical techniques. She received her Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from Ohio State University in 2020, and her MS in City Planning and BA in Humanities from Seoul National University. Dr. Park currently serves as the editorial board member of Journal of Korean Planners Association and the book review editor of Journal of Planning Literature.
ㅇ 강연 주제: Urban morphology and spatiotemporal variabilities of urban surface temperature: Evidence from remote sensing and statistics
ㅇ 문의: 담당조교 (un2ver5e@snu.ac.kr)