[Lecture] [GSES Environmental Planning and Design Guest Lecture 3] (May 4th, 14:00)

  • Date May 2, 2022
  • Hit 495

City Energy Lab welcomes everyone from GSES to join a guest lecture in the Environmental Planning and Design class.

Speaker: Dr. Kangkang Tong from Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Topic: Integrating Social Equity into Low Carbon Strategies in Cities

Time: May 4th, 2022 14:00 - 15:00


Cities are increasingly interested in advancing social equity in climate actions, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy use. However, few comprehensive conceptual and data frameworks are available to address social inequality and equity in the energy sector at the fine intra-urban spatial scale in cities. This talk will introduce a framework for assessing social inequality and equity in energy sector. A specific application will be presented relating to energy use and intensity, that demonstrates approaches to unpack income and racial inequality in urban systems in two US cities.

Short Bio:

Kangkang (KK) Tong is an Assistant Professor at China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research is at the intersection of urban energy systems, climate change, and social equity. She is interested in exploring how urban systems contribute to carbon neutrality and social equity under ongoing energy transitions. Previously, she worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at Princeton University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the University of Minnesota.

Zoom Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/99175036819

Contact: Sangkyo Jeong, skj5863@snu.ac.kr
