[Seminar] A Joint Graduate International Seminar In Climate Change Policy Issues

  • Date April 5, 2011
  • Hit 188
A Joint Graduate International Seminar In Climate Change Policy Issues (4/16)

<내 용>
금번 환경대학원에서는 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 재학생들과 함께 "기후변화정책 국제공동세미나"를 개최합니다.
기후변화 정책/경제에 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여바랍니다.

장소: 환경대학원(82동) 103호 대형강의실
일시: 2011년 4월 16일(토) 10:00~16:00
발표주제: 아래 영문안내문 참조

*참여하시는 분들에게 점심으로 샌드위치와 음료수가 제공됩니다.
*문의사항은 http://lsep.snu.ac.kr 로 접속하셔서 자유게시판에 남겨주세요.

The Graduate School of Environmental Studies (GSES) will be hosting a Joint Graduate International Seminar In Climate Change Policy Issues. Graduate students from Oxford University in UK will voluntarily join this exciting event. We are honored to invite you to attend this conference as our guest.

Place : Rm 103, Lecture Hall Building 82 (GSES Building)
Date : April 16 (Sat.), 2011
Time : 10:00am ~ 16:00pm

Paper Topics
- The Economics of Climate Policy Design: Overlapping policy instruments
- Korea`s Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policy: An Overview
- Comparison of Carbon Emission Trading Pricing Models: A CGE Approach
- The Spread of Environmental Innovation: A Case Study of Solar Panel Subsidies in California
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Ecological Imperialism
- Constructing Climate Change Perception: Observation, Interpretation and Practice of Korean Farmers

* All participants will receive complimentary lunch (sandwich and beverage)!
* You can leave further questions on Free Message Board at http://lsep.snu.ac.kr