

환경계획학과 / 환경관리학전공
환경공학 박사 | 교수

유해물질의 환경 및 생태계 동태 해석, 유해화학물질관리



  • 1977.03 - 1981.02
    서울대학교 공과대학 화학공학과 학사
  • 1981.03 - 1983.02
    서울대학교 대학원 공과대학 화학공학과 석사
  • 1988.01 - 1990.08
    Univ. of Texas at Austin 환경공학 박사
  • 1990.09 - 1991.02
    Center for Energy Studies Post-Doctor


  • 1991.03 - 1994.08
    숭실대학교 공과대학 화학공학과 조교수
  • 1994. 9 - 현재
    서울대학교 환경대학원 교수


+ International 


- Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (Since 2010) 

λ Hee Seok Kim, Dong Soo Lee, influence of monitoring data selection for optimization of a steady state multimedia model on the magnitude and nature of the model prediction bias, Chemosphere 186, 716-724, 2017.

Eun Jeong Han, Dong Soo Lee, Significance of metabolites in the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals consumed by human, Science of the Total Environment, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.044 

Hee Seok Kim, Dong Soo Lee, Seung Kyu Kim, Jong Guk Kim, Are the ratios of the two concentrations at steady state in the medium pairs of air-water, air-soil, water-soil, water-sediment, and soil-sediment?, Science of the Total Environment, 52-59, 2016. 

Jee-Hey Song, Yunah Lee, Dong Soo Lee, Development of a multimedia model (POPsLTEA) to assess the influence of climate change on the fate and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in East Asia, Science of the Total Environment, 620-629, 2016.  

Ja Eun Jung, Yoon Kwan Kim, Jee Hey Song, Dong Soo Lee, Development and evaluation of a dynamic multimedia model(ECORAME) for local scale assessment of aquatic ecological exposure to chemicals originating from sources in environmental media, Science of the Total Environment, 103-112, 2014 

 Eun Jung Han, Hee Seok Kim, Dong Soo Lee, An emission model tracking the life cycle pathways of human pharmaceuticals in Korea, Environ. Health Prev. Med. 46-55, 2014 

Juan Juan Cai, Jee Hey Song, Yunah Lee, Dong Soo Lee, Assessment of climate change impact on the fates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the multimedia environment based on model prediction, Science of the Total Environment, 1526-1536, 2014  

Jee-Hey Song, Dong Won Kim, Heeseok Kim, Dong Soo Lee, Need of accurate model prediction of variability of the concentration ratio for testing coherence among envrionmental quality objectives: A case study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, J. Haz. Mat., 34-41, 2014  

Dong Soo Lee, Ja Eun Jung, Dong Won Kim, Su-Jin Kim, Seung-Kyu Kim, A new coherence test procedure of environmental quality objectives based on multimedia monitoring data and its application to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Korea, J. Haz. Mat., 129-136, 2012.  

Seung Kyu Kim, Dong Jin Kang, Kyung Ryul Kim, Dong Soo Lee, Distribution of organochlorine pesticides in intertidal and subtidal sediments in coastal wetland with high tidal ranges, Archiv. Environ. Con. Toxicol., 514-522, 2010.   

Ja Eun Jung, Dong Soo Lee, Su-Jin Kim, Dong Won Kim, Seung Kyu Kim, Jong Guk Kim, Proximity of field distribution of PAHs to chemical equilibria among air, water, soil, and sediment and its implications to the coherence criteria of environmental quality objectives, Environ. Sci. Technol., 8056-8061, 2010. 

Hyo-Jung Kim, Dong Soo Lee, Jung-Hwan Kwon, Sorption of benzimidazole anthelmintics to dissolved organic matter surrogates and sewage sludge, Chemosphere, 2010.  


- Presentations (since 2011) 

Influence of climate change (CC) on the multimedia distribution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins/furans (PCDDs/DFs), 27th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Brussel, Belgium, 2017. 

Implications of prediction of climate change impacts on the fate and transport of pollutants in multimedia environment, 27th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Brussel, Belgium, 2017.  

Development of a dynamic model (SWNano) to assess the fate and transport of engineered TiO2 nanoparticles in sewer networks, 27th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Brussel, Belgium, 2017. 

Development of the IIAQ-CC model to assess the impacts of climate change on the indoor air quality, 27th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Brussel, Belgium, 2017. 

Extended application of a human pharmaceuticals emission model to the assessment of metabolites, 26th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Nante, France, 2016. 

Evaluation of accidentally released chemicals for their surface soil pollution potential by using SoilCCA, 26th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Nante, France, 2016. 

Development of a scoring system for surface soil pollution potential of chemicals from accidental release by using a multimedia model SoilCCA, 26th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Nante, France, 2016.  

Development of a Multimedia Model for Environmental Exposure Assessment as required by Chemical Registration and Assessment Law, 2016 International Symposium of Environmental Health, Seoul, Korea, 2016. 

Performance of Modified SimpleBox after Optimization by using Multimedia Monitoring Data for Exposure Assessment required by the new Chemical Management Law in Korea, 25th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Barcelona, Spain, 2015 

2. Effect of Climate Change (RCP8.5) on the Seasonal Variation of PAHs Concentration in Multimedia Environment of East Asia, 4th International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, Barcelona, Spain, 2015. 

Agricultural Pesticides in Surface Water impacted by Climate Change in South Korea, 4th International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, Barcelona, Spain, 2015. 

Development of a Dynamic Multimedia Model to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on the Predicted Environmental Concentrations of Hazardous Chemicals in South Korea, 2nd International Symposium on Health Impacts of Climate Change, Seoul, Korea, 2015. 

Development of a Multimedia Environmental Model to prioritize Top Soil pollution potential of chemicals from accidental release, 2015. 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea,  

Assessment of the Influence of Climate Change on Pesticide Exposure in Surface Waters of South Korea, 35th Annual Meeting, SETAC North America, 2014.  

Climate change induced difference in the multimedia fate of VOCs and PCDDs/DFs as assessed on a monthly basis, 24th Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Basel, Switzerland, 2014.  

Assessment of the influence of climate change on multimedia fate of persistent organic pollutants in South, 23rd Annual Meeting, SETAC Europe, Glasgow, UK, 2013.  

Understanding impacts of climate change on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the multimedia environment, South Korea, The 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants - Dioxin 2013, Taegu, Korea, 2013.  

Assessment of climate change impacts on multimedia distribution of PCDDs/DFs The 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants - Dioxin 2013, Taegu, Korea, 2013.  

Evaluation of SimpleBox for exposure assessment at screening level in Korea, 34th Annual Meeting, SETAC North America, Nashville, USA, 2013.  

Risk implications of preliminary prediction of climate change impacts on multimedia distribution of hazardous chemicals in South Korea, International Symposium on Health impact of climate change, Long Beach, USA, 2012.  

Assessment of climate change impacts on multimedia distribution of PCDDs/DFs and VOCs in South Korea, 33rd Annual Meeting, North America, Long Beach, USA, 2012.  

Development of a model to estimate the human pharmaceuticals emission into surface water and assessment of the model uncertainty, 33rd Annual Meeting, SETAC North America, Long Beach, USA, 2012.  

Preliminary model prediction of climate change impact on the multimedia distribution of PAHs in South Korea, 32nd Annual Meeting, SETAC North America, Boston, USA, 2011.  



+ 국내 


- Peer Reviewed Journal Papers 

Hyo-Jung Kim, Hyun-Jeoung Lee, Dong Soo Lee, Jung-Hwan Kwon, Modeling the fate of priority pharmaceuticals in Korea in a conventional sewage treatment plant, Environ. Eng. Res., 186-194, 2009.  

Yeon Jeong Ha, Dong Soo Lee, Development and assessment of a dynamic fate and transport model for lead in multimedia environment, Environ. Eng. Res., 53-60, 2009.  


- Presentations 

RCP4.5/8.5 기후변화시나리오 하에서 benzene, o-xylene, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, OCDD의 환경 중 동태변화 비교분석, 대한환경공학회 국내학술대회2015, 2015. 

Development and Evaluation of a Multimedia Model Assessing the Fate and Transport of Organic and Inorganic Hg in Yangsuri Wetland Area, Korea, 환경독성보건학회 춘계학술회의, 2015. 

기후변화에 따른 실내공기질변화 예측모형 (IIAQ-II)의 개발, 2015 한국실내환경학회연차학술대회, 2015. 

Optimization of a multimedia model for environmental exposuure assessment in the chemical safety report as required by the new chemical management law in Korea - 한국환경보건독성학회, 2014.  

기후변화조건에서 PCDDs/DFs와 휘발성유기화합물의 동태변화에 영향을 주는 주요 기상인자의 비교 - 대한환경공학회, 2013.  

Estimation of national annual discharge of human antibiotics into Korean rivers, Korean Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Health, Spring Meeting, 2012.  

Preliminary prediction of climate change impact on the contamination levels of PAHs in multimedia Environments in South Korea, POPs Forum winter symposium, 2012.  

Development and application of a chemical ranking and scoring system, ETRC, KIT Workshop for ecological risk assessment, 2010.  

Understanding the environmental fate and transport characteristics of PAHs by analysis of multimedia monitoring data, POPs Forum, spring symposium, 2010. 

프로젝트 (2010년 이후)

  • 2017.05 - 2022.03
    화학사고 후 인체영향 평가기술 개발, KETI
  • 2016.04 - 2018.03
    화학사고로 인한 토양·지하수 오염관리를 위한 대응체계 개발, KEITI
  • 2014.05 - 2018.-3
    “화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률" 내 화학물질 위해성평가를 위한 환경노출 예측기법 개발: 한국형 다매체모형의 개발- 환경부
  • 2014.04 - 2016.03
    해화학물질 누출시 토양·지하수오염 예방을 위한 위해도 기반 사전관리체계 개발 - 물질별 토양·지하수 오염취약성 평가기법 개발 (지상 노출) - 한국환경정책·평가연구원
  • 2012.04 - 2015.11
    화평법 대비 화학물질 안전성평가 핵심기술 개발 – 국립환경과학원
  • 2011.05 - 2016.03
    기후변화에 따른 화학물질 거동 및 위해성 평가.적응 기술 개발 – 환경부
  • 2011.05 - 2014.04
    기후변화에 수반되는 기상과 환경조건의 변화가 잔류성유기오염물질과 휘발성 유기오염물질의 환경동태와 오염도에 미치는 영향의 민감도 분석, 연구재단