

환경관리학과 / 환경관리학전공
공학박사 | 교수

탄소중립, 기후변화, 대기환경, 통합관리



  • 1999
    서울대학교 환경대학원(공학박사, 대기환경)
  • 1991
    서울대학교 환경대학원(도시계획학석사, 환경관리)
  • 1989
    연세대학교 공과대학(공학사, 토목공학)

주요 경력

  • 2024 -
    서울대학교 환경대학원 환경계획학과 교수
  • 2007 - 2023
    건국대학교 공과대학 사회환경공학부/일반대학원 기술융합공학과 교수
  • 2022 - 2023
    서울대학교 환경대학원 환경계획학과 교환교수
  • 2021 - 2023
    고려대-건국대 환경부 미세먼지 특성화대학원 참여교수
  • 2014 - 2019
    건국대학교 환경부 기후변화특성화대학원 참여교수
  • 2014 - 2015
    캘리포니아 주립대(UC Irvine) 지구시스템과학과(Earth System Science) 교환교수
  • 2004 - 2007
    NESCAUM(Boston) Environmental Scientist
  • 2000 - 2003
    아이오와 주립대(Univ. of Iowa) 전구 및 지역 환경연구소(CGRER) 박사후연구원

주요 전문활동


한국대기환경학회 국제위원장

대통령직속 국가기후환경회의 전문위원(국제협력 및 배출저감분야)

환경부 지구환경위성 과학자문위원회 위원

UNECE TF-HTAP 배출인벤토리위원

국제응용시스템분석연구소(IIASA, Austria) Strategic Initiative 한국대표위원

아시아대기오염센터(ACAP) 아시아 대기환경모델 공동연구협력체(MICS-Asia) 위원

환경부 한중일 장거리이동 국제 프로젝트(LTP) 한국대표단

IPCC 2019 국가배출인벤토리 방법론 보고서(NGGI MR) 개정판 주저자

서울대학교 환경대학원 서울환경포럼 회장


국무총리실 민·관협동 미세먼지특별대책위원회 위원(과학 및 국제협력분과)

UN-ESCAP NEASPEC 동북아 대기환경개선 협의체(NEACAP) 의장/한국대표위원

한국대기환경학회 확산반응분과 분과회장

환경부 환경R&D민간협의체 기후대기분과 위원

Atmospheric Environment, Special Issue - Air quality modeling, emission inventory and ground observation from Fine Particle Research Initiative in East Asia Considering National Differences (FRIEND), Guest Editor

Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium(IAMC) 회원

한국환경영향평가학회 이사

한국기후변화학회 회원

한국기상학회 회원

Global Emissions Inventory Activity(GEIA) 회원

European Geophysical Union(EGU) 회원

American Geophysical Union(AGU) 회원

수상 경력

  • 2023
    환경부 장관 표창 (동북아시아 기후변화-대기오염 원인물질 통합 모델링 시스템 개발)
  • 2023
    환경부 2023년 환경 기술개발 우수성과 20선 (기후·대기 부문 최우수성과)
  • 2023
    건국대학교 공학연구도약상
  • 2020
    대한민국 정부 대통령표창 (UN 푸른 하늘의 날)
  • 2019
    환경부 2019년 환경 기술개발 우수성과 20선
  • 2017
    NASA Group Achievement Award, KORUS-AQ mission
  • 2009
    NASA Group Achievement Award, ARCTAS mission

저서/논문 - 단행본

UN ESCAP(NEASPEC) 2020, Discussion Paper on the Work of the North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership (NEACAP): Emissions Inventory, Jung-Hun Woo, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, NEACAP Science and Policy Committee

EPRI 2020, Study of PM2.5 in Korea (SPIKE): Contributions from Different Sources and Regions, Electric Power Research Institute(EPRI), Palo Alto, CA: 2020. 3002017909

IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,  Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y.,Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds), Published: IPCC, Switzerland (As a Lead Author of Chap 6 of Vol 1)

저서/논문 - SCI(E)

Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., Choi, K. C., Lee, Y. M., Jang, Y., Kim, J., Klimont, Z., Kim, D. G., Lee, J. B., Jin, H., Hu, H., & Ahn, Y. H. (2024). Development of a greenhouse gas-air pollution interactions and synergies model for Korea (GAINS-Korea). Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3372.

Jeong, J. I., Park, R. J., Song, C. K., Yeh, S. W., & Woo, J. H. (2024). Quantitative analysis of winter PM2. 5 reduction in South Korea, 2019/20 to 2021/22: Contributions of meteorology and emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 907, 168179.

Kim, E., Kim, B. U., Kim, H. C., Liu, Y., Kang, Y. H., Jacob, D. J., Kim Y. P., Woo J. H., Kim, J., Wang, S., Yoo, C., Bae, C., Kim, Y., & Kim, S. (2024). North Korean CO emissions reconstruction using DMZ ground observations, TROPOMI space-borne data, and the CMAQ air quality model. Science of the Total Environment, 171059.

Kim, K. M., Kim, S. W., Seo, S., Blake, D. R., Cho, S., Crawford, J. H., Emmons, L. K., Fried, A., Herman, J. R., Hong, J., Jung, J., Pfister, G. G., Weinheimer, A. J., Woo, J. H., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Sensitivity of the WRF-Chem v4. 4 simulations of ozone and formaldehyde and their precursors to multiple bottom-up emission inventories over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ 2016 field campaign. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(4), 1931-1955.

Wong, G., Wang, H., Park, M., Park, J., Ahn, J. Y., Sung, M., Choi, J., Park, T., Ban, J., Kang, S., Lee, T., Kim, J., Seo, B. K., Yu, J. H., Kim, J., Woo, J. H., & Kim, S. (2024). Optimizing an airborne mass-balance methodology for accurate emission rate quantification of industrial facilities: A case study of industrial facilities in South Korea. Science of The Total Environment, 912, 169204.

Kim, E., Kim, H. C., Kim, B. U., Woo, J. H., Liu, Y. & Kim, S. (2024). Development of surface observation-based two-step emissions adjustment and its application on CO, NOx, and SO2 emissions in China and South Korea. Science of the Total Environment, 907, 167818.

Jang, Y., Hu, H., Kim, B., Kim, Y., Yoo, S. J., Jang, K., Kim, Y., & Woo, J. H. (2024). Assessing the impact of climate and air quality policies on future emissions in Korea through quantification of control and co-control effects. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(1), 101952.

Li, M., Kurokawa, J., Zhang, Q., Woo, J. H., Morikawa, T., Chatani, S., Lu, Z., Song, Y., Geng, G., Hu, H., Kim, J., Cooper, O. R., and McDonald, B. C. (2023). MIXv2: a long-term mosaic emission inventory for Asia (2010–2017). EGUsphere, 2023, 1-45.

Wang, C. T., Baek, B. H., Vizuete, W., Engel, L. S., Xing, J., Green, J., Serre, M., Strott, R., Bowden, J., and Woo, J. H. (2023). Spatiotemporally resolved emissions and concentrations of styrene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (SBTEX) in the US Gulf region. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2023, 1-37.

Kim, J., Park, J., Hu, H., Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Chatani, S., Kurokawa, J., Morikawa, T., Yeo, S., Jin, H., & Woo, J. H. (2023). Long-term historical trends in air pollutant emissions in South Korea (2000–2018). Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 17(1), 12.

Kim, S., Kim, J., Hu, H., Jang, M., Lee, J. B., Hong, S. C., Kim, O., & Woo, J. H. (2023). Update of the year 2019 modeling emission inventory in China. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 17(1), 20.

Yu, J., Song, C. H., Lee, D., Lee, S., Kim, H. S., Han, K. M., Park, S., Im, J., Park, S. Y., Jeon, M., Peuch, V. H., Saide, P. E., Carmichael, G. R., Kim, J., Kim, J., Song, C. K., Woo, J. H., & Ryu, S. H. (2023). Synergistic combination of information from ground observations, geostationary satellite, and air quality modeling towards improved PM2. 5 predictability. NPJ climate and atmospheric science, 6(1), 41.

Park, M., Hu, H., Kim, Y., Fried, A., Simpson, I. J., Jin, H., Weinheimer, A., Huey, G., Crawford, J., & Woo, J. H. (2023). Evaluation of the emission inventory for large point emission sources in South Korea by applying measured data from the NASA/NIER KORUS-AQ aircraft field campaign. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1).

Jo, D. S., Emmons, L. K., Callaghan, P., Tilmes, S., Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Granier, C., Soulié, A., Doumbia, T., Darras, S., Buchholz, R. R., Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Wisthaler, A., Schroeder, J. R., Fried, A., & Kanaya, Y. (2023). Comparison of Urban Air Quality Simulations During the KORUSAQ Campaign With Regionally Refined Versus Global Uniform Grids in the MultiScale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA) Version 0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(7), e2022MS003458.

Baek, B. H., Coats, C., Ma, S., Wang, C. T., Xing, J., Tong, D., Kim, S., & Woo, J. H. (2023). Dynamic Meteorology-induced Emissions Coupler (MetEmis) development in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ): CMAQ-MetEmis. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2023, 1-28.

Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Butler, T., Keating, T., Wu, R., Kaminski, J., Kuenen, J., Kurokawa, J., Chatani, S., Morikawa, T., Pouliot, G., Racine, J., Moran, M. D., Klimont, Z., Manseau, P. M., Mashayekhi, R., Henderson, B. H., Smith, S. J., Suchyta, H., Muntean, M., Solazzo, E., Banja, M., Schaaf, E., Pagani, F., Woo, J. H., Kim, J., Monforti-Ferrario, F., Pisoni, E., Zhang, J., Niemi, D., Sassi, M., Ansari, T., & Foley, K. (2023). The HTAP_v3 emission mosaic: merging regional and global monthly emissions (2000–2018) to support air quality modelling and policies. Earth System Science Data (Online), 15(PNNL-SA-182701).

Bae, M., Kim, B. U., Kim, H. C., Woo, J. H., & Kim, S. (2022). An observation-based adjustment method of regional contribution estimation from upwind emissions to downwind PM2.5 concentrations. Environment International, 163, 107214.

Travis, K. R., Crawford, J. H., Chen, G., Jordan, C. E., Nault, B. A., Kim, H., Jimenez, J. L., Campuzano-Jost, P., Dibb, J. E., Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., Zhai, S., Wang, X., McDuffie, E. E., Luo, G., Yu, F., Kim, S., Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Chang, L., & Kim, M. J. (2022). Limitations in representation of physical processes prevent successful simulation of PM 2.5 during KORUS-AQ. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(12), 7933-7958.

Baek, B. H., Pedruzzi, R., Park, M., Wang, C. T., Kim, Y., Song, C. H., & Woo, J. H. (2022). The Comprehensive Automobile Research System (CARS)–a Python-based automobile emissions inventory model. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(12), 4757-4781.

Kenagy, H. S., Romer Present, P. S., Wooldridge, P. J., Nault, B. A., Campuzano-Jost, P., Day, D. A., Jimenez, J. L., Zare, A., Pye, H. O., Yu, J., Song, C. H., Blake, D. R., Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., & Cohen, R. C. (2021). Contribution of organic nitrates to organic aerosol over South Korea during KORUS-AQ. Environmental science & technology, 55(24), 16326-16338.

Zhai, S., Jacob, D. J., Brewer, J. F., Li, K., Moch, J. M., Kim, J., Lee, S., Lim, H., Lee, H. C., Kuk, S. K., Park, R. J., Jeong, J. I., Wang, X., Liu, P., Luo, G., Yu, F., Meng, J., Martin, R. V., Travis, K. R., Hair, J. W., Anderson, B. E., Dibb, J. E., Jimenez, J. L., Campuzano-Jost, P., Nault, B. A., Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., Zhang, Q., & Liao, H. (2021). Relating geostationary satellite measurements of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over East Asia to fine particulate matter (PM 2.5): insights from the KORUS-AQ aircraft campaign and GEOS-Chem model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(22), 16775-16791.

Kwon, H. A., Park, R. J., Oak, Y. J., Nowlan, C. R., Janz, S. J., Kowalewski, M. G., Fried, A., Walega, J., Bates, K. H., Choi, J., Blake, D. R., Wisthaler, A., & Woo, J. H. (2021). Top-down estimates of anthropogenic VOC emissions in South Korea using formaldehyde vertical column densities from aircraft during the KORUS-AQ campaign. Elem Sci Anth, 9(1), 00109.

Crawford, J. H., Ahn, J. Y., Al-Saadi, J., Chang, L., Emmons, L. K., Kim, J., Lee, G., Park, J. H., Park, R. J., Woo, J. H., Song, C. K., Hong, J. Y., Hong, Y. D., Lefer, B. L., Lee, M., Lee, T., Kim, S., Min, K. E., Yum, S. S., Shin, H. J., Kim, Y. W., Choi, J. S., Park, J. S., Szykman, J. J., Long, R. W., Jordan, C. E., Simpson, I. J., Fried, A., Dibb, J. E., Cho, S. Y., & Kim, Y. P. (2021). The Korea–United States air quality (KORUS-AQ) field study. Elem Sci Anth, 9(1), 00163.

Park, R. J., Oak, Y. J., Emmons, L. K., Kim, C. H., Pfister, G. G., Carmichael, G. R., Saide, P. E., Cho, S. Y., Kim, S., Woo, J. H., Crawford, J. H., Gaubert, B., Lee, H. J., Park, S. Y., Jo, Y. J., Gao, M., Tang, B., Stanier, C. O., Shin, S. S., Park, H. Y., Bae, C., & Kim, E. (2021). Multi-model intercomparisons of air quality simulations for the KORUS-AQ campaign. Elem Sci Anth, 9(1), 00139.

Fried, A., Walega, J., Weibring, P., Richter, D., Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Blake, N. J., Meinardi, S., Barletta, B., Hughes, S. C., Crawford, J. H., Diskin, G., Barrick, J., Hair, J., Fenn, M., Wisthaler, A., Mikoviny, T., Woo, J. H., Park, M., Kim, J., Min, K. E., Jeong, S., Wennberg, P. O., Kim, M. J., Crounse, J. D., Teng, A. P., Bennett, R., Yang-Martin, M., Shook, M. A., Huey, G., Tanner, D., Knote, C., Kim, J. H., Park, R. J., & Brune, W. (2020). Airborne formaldehyde and VOC measurements over the Daesan petrochemical complex on Korea’s Northwest coast during the KORUS-AQ study: Estimation of emission fluxes and effects on air quality. Elem Sci Anth, 8(1), 121.

Kim, J., Jeong, U., Ahn, M. H., Kim, J. H., Park, R. J., Lee, H., Song, C. H., Choi, Y. S., Lee, K. H., Yoo, J. M., Jeong, M. J., Park, S. K., Lee, K. M., Song, C. K., Kim, S. W., Kim Y. J., Kim S. W., Kim M., Go, S., Liu, X., Chance, K., Miller, C. C., Al-Saadi, J., Veihelmann, B., Bhartia, P. K., Torres, O., Abad, G. G., Haffner, D. P., Ko, D. H., Lee, S. H., Woo, J. H., Chong, H., Park, S. S., Nicks, D., Choi, W. J., Moon, K. J., Cho, A., Yoon, J., Kim, S. K., Hong, H., Lee, K., Lee, H., Lee, S., Choi, M., Veefkind, P., Levelt, P. F., Edwards, D. P., Kang, M., Eo, M., Bak, J., Baek, K., Kwon, H. A., Yang, J., Park, J., Han, K. M., Kim, B. R., Shin, H. W., Choi, H., Lee, E., Chong, J., Cha, Y., Koo, J. H., Irie, H., Hayashida, S., Kasai, Y., Kanaya, Y., Liu, C., Lin, J., Crawford, J. H., Carmichael, G. R., Newchurch, M. J., Lefer, B. L., Herman, J. R., Swap, R. J., Lau, A. K. H., Kurosu, T. P., Jaross, G., Ahlers, B., Dobber, M., McElroy, C. T., & Choi, Y. (2020). New era of air quality monitoring from space: Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(1), E1-E22.

Gaubert, B., Emmons, L. K., Raeder, K., Tilmes, S., Miyazaki, K., Arellano Jr., A. F., Elguindi, N., Granier, C., Tang, W., Barré, J., Worden, H. M., Buchholz, R. R., Edwards, D. P., Franke, P., Anderson, J. L., Saunois, M., Schroeder, J., Woo, J. H., Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Meinardi, S., Wennberg, P. O., Crounse, J., Teng, A., Kim, M., Dickerson, R. R., He, H., Ren, X., Pusede, S. E., & Diskin, G. S. (2020). Correcting model biases of CO in East Asia: impact on oxidant distributions during KORUS-AQ. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(23), 14617-14647.

Souri, A. H., Nowlan, C. R., González Abad, G., Zhu, L., Blake, D. R., Fried, A., Weinheimer, A. J., Wisthaler, A., Woo, J. H., Zhang, Q., Chan Miller, C. E., Liu, X., & Chance, K. (2020). An inversion of NO x and non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions using satellite observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign and implications for surface ozone over East Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(16), 9837-9854.

Saide, P. E., Gao, M., Lu, Z., Goldberg, D. L., Streets, D. G., Woo, J. H., Beyersdorf, A., Corr, C. A., Thornhill, K. L., Anderson, B., Hair, J. W., Nehrir, A. R., Diskin, G. S., Jimenez, J. L., Nault, B. A., Capuzano-Jost, P., Dibb, J., Heim, E., Lamb, K. D., Schwarz, J. P., Perring, A. E., Kim, J., Choi, M., Holben, B., Pfister, G., Hodzic, A., Carmichael, G. R., Emmons, L., & Crawford, J. H. (2020). Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured during KORUS-AQ. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(11), 6455-6478.

Simpson, I. J., Blake, D. R., Blake, N. J., Meinardi, S., Barletta, B., Hughes, S. C., Fleming, L. T., Crawford, J. H., Diskin, G. S., Emmons, L. K., Fried, A., Guo, H., Peterson, D. A., Wisthaler, A., Woo, J. H., Barré, J., Gaubert, B., Kim, J., Kim, M. J., Kim, Y., Knote, C., Mikoviny, T., Pusede, S. E., Schroeder, J. R., Wang, Y., Wennberg, P. O., & Zeng, L. (2020). Characterization, sources and reactivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Seoul and surrounding regions during KORUS-AQ. Elem Sci Anth, 8, 37.

Jang, Y., Lee Y., Kim J., Kim Y., & Woo J. H. (2019). Improvement China Point Source for Improving Bottom-Up Emission Inventory. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 56, 107-118.

Ahn, Y. H., Woo, J. H., Wagner, F., & Yoo, S. J. (2019). Downscaled energy demand projection at the local level using the Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure. Applied Energy, 238, 384-400

Choi, J., Park, R. J., Lee, H. M., Lee, S., Jo, D. S., Jeong, J. I., Henze, D. K., Woo, J. H., Ban, S. J., Lee, M. D., Lim, C. S., Park, M. K., Shin, H. J., Cho, S., Peterson, D., & Song, C. K. (2019). Impacts of local vs. trans-boundary emissions from different sectors on PM2.5 exposure in South Korea during the KORUS-AQ campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 203, 196-205.

Tang, W., Emmons, L., Arellano Jr., A. F., Gaubert, B., Knote, C., Tilmes, S., Buchholz, R., Pfister, G., Diskin, G., Blake, D., Blake, N., Meinardi, S., Digangi, J., Choi, Y., Woo, J. H., He, C., Schroeder, J., Suh, I., Lee, H. J., Jo, H. Y., Kanaya, Y., Jung, J., Lee, Y., & Kim, D., (2019). Source contributions to carbon monoxide concentrations during KORUS-AQ based on CAM-chem model applications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 5, 2796-2822.

Goldberg, D. L., Saide, P. E., Lamsal, L. N., de Foy, B., Lu, Z., Woo, J. H., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Gao, M., Carmichael, G., & Streets, D. G., (2019). A top-down assessment using OMI NO2 suggests an underestimate in the NOx emissions inventory in Seoul, South Korea during KORUS-AQ. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 3, 1801-1818.

Oak, Y. J., Park, R. J., Schroeder, J. R., Crawford, J. H., Blake, D. R., Weinheimer, A. J., Woo, J. H., Kim, S. W., Yeo, H., Fried, A., Wisthaler A., & Brune, W. H., (2019). Evaluation of simulated O3 production efficiency during the KORUS-AQ campaign: Implications for anthropogenic NOx emissions in Korea. Elementa, 7, 56.

저서/논문 - 국내 논문

장영기, 김순태, & 우정헌. (2023). 국내 대기오염 배출자료의 평가와 발전 방향한국대기환경학회지 (국문), 39(5), 775-795.

배민아, 우정헌, & 김순태. (2023). 미세먼지 계절관리제:(II) PM 2.5 농도 얼마나 낮출 있는가?. Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 39(1), 9-23.

우정헌, 부찬종, 김진수, 김영성, & 김윤하. (2018). 중국 대기오염물질 배출의 시공간적 변화 분석한국대기환경학회지 (국문), 34(1), 87-100.

김진수, 장유정, 김진석, 박민우, 부찬종, 이윤구, 김윤하, & 우정헌. (2018). 생활 미세먼지 영향평가를 위한 소형센서의 신뢰성 활용성 평가환경영향평가, 27(4), 378-393.

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주요 연구수행실적

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