

환경관리학과 / 환경관리학전공
환경과학 박사 | 교수

탄소순환, 생지화학(biogeochemistry), 기후변화와 생태계



Ph.D. (환경과학), Duke University

M.S. (화학), 서울대학교

B.S. (화학), 서울대학교

주요 경력


환경대학원 환경계획학과 교수

관악구 시민환경대학 주임교수

Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences


서울대학교 환경대학원 부원장

서울대학교 환경대학원 환경계획학과장

한국생태학회 총무이사

서울대학교 환경계획연구소 부소장

Associate Specialist at UC Berkeley

Visiting Assistant Researcher at UC Davis

Associate Research Scientist at Yale University

주요 논문(Selected publications) 

 Cha, J.Y., Lee, S.C., Lee, E.J., Lee, K., Lee, H., Kim, H.S., Ahn, J., and Oh, N.H. Canopy leaching rather than desorption of PM2.5 from leaves is the dominant source of throughfall dissolved organic carbon in forest. Geophysical Research Letters (2023) 50, e2023GL103731.

 Cha, J.Y., Lee, K., Lee, S.C., Lee, E.J., Yim, K.J., Ryoo, I., Kim, M., Ahn, J., Yi, S.M., Park, C.R., and Oh, N.H. Fossil and non-fossil sources of the carbonaceous component of PM2.5 in forest and urban areas. Scientific Reports (2023) 13, 5486.

 Lee, E.J., Lee, S.C., Lee, K., Cha, J.Y., Han, Y.N., Kim, S.G., and Oh, N.H. Properties of river organic carbon affected by wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment (2023) 858, 159761.

 Lee, E.J., Shin, Y., Yoo, G.Y., Ko, E.B., Butman, D., Raymond, P.A., and Oh, N.H. Loads and ages of carbon from the five largest rivers in South Korea under Asian monsoon climates. Journal of Hydrology (2021) 599, 126363.

 Lee, S.C., Shin, Y., Jeon, Y.J., Lee, E.J., Eom, J.S., Kim, B., and Oh, N.H. Optical properties and the 14C ages of stream DOM from agricultural and forest watersheds during storms. Environmental Pollution (2021) 272, 116412.