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[대학원 콜로키엄] [City Energy Lab Lecture] City Energy Lab welcomes everyone from GSES to join a guest lecture.

  • 등록일 2024.12.10.
  • 조회수 96

City Energy Lab welcomes everyone from GSES to join a guest lecture.


 ㅇ 일시: 2024년 12월 12일(월) 오후 10:00~11:30
ㅇ 장소: 환경대학원 82동 113호 
 ㅇ 주최: 서울대학교 환경계획연구소, 서울대학교 환경대학원 City Energy Lab, 서울대학교 환경대학원 4단계 BK21: 대전환기 지속가능도시 혁신인재 양성단
 ㅇ 사회 : Jige Quan 교수 / 환경대학원 도시 및 지역계획학 전공


ㅇ 강연 주제: Urban Intelligence Towards Techno-Humanistic City Planning
 ㅇ 강연자/소속:  
Prof. Yuan Lai   /   Tsinghua  University
ㅇ 강연자 소개: Prof. Yuan Lai is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua University School of Architecture Department of Urban Planning. His research interest lies at the intersection of urban informatics, urban planning, and smart cities. He is the deputy secretary-general of the Technology Innovation Center for Smart Human Settlements and Spatial Planning & Governance, China Ministry of Natural Resources, and the deputy secretary-general of the Expert Committee in Digital Twins and Future Cities, Chinese Society for Urban Studies (CSUS). Before Tsinghua, Dr. Lai was a Lecturer in Urban Science and Planning at MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning and a research affiliate at NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management and NYU Urban Intelligence Lab. His work has been featured at the United Nations, Bloomberg Technology, Urban Design Forum, NYC Media Lab, American Planning Association, and American Society of Civil Engineers.

ㅇ 문의: 담당조교(seojung.lee@snu.ac.kr)