
[학사 장학] 2023학년도 1학기 개도국 대학 교원 지원 프로그램(SPF) 장학생 추가 모집 안내 (SPF Application_Spring 2023)

  • 등록일 2022.12.08.
  • 조회수 532

   본교 교육 및 연구의 우수한 경험을 바탕으로 한국의 국제적 위상을 제고하고 국제 협력강화에 기여하고자 다음과 같이 개도국 대학 교원 지원 프로그램(SNU President Fellowship, SPF)장학생을 다음과 같이 추가 모집하니, 신청자는 행정실에 관련 서류를 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.

. 지원자격 (동시 충족)

- 20231학기 본교 박사과정 외국인 신입생

- 개발도상국 주요 대학 교원(faculty) 중 박사학위 미소지자

아시아, 아프리카, 남미 국가 교원 우선 선발

. 지원내용

- 등록금 전액 면제(최대 6개 학기)

- 생활비 월 150만원~200만원 지급(3~4년간)

- 왕복 항공료 지원

- 건강보험료 지원

- 한국어 교육비 지원

. 선발인원:

. 지원방법

- 제출 기한: ~2022.12.13.() 18:00

- 제출 서류: 붙임 참고

SNU President Fellowship Program (SPF)
◈ Overview
SNU President Fellowship Program is one of SNU’s most prestigious scholarship programs,
launched to provide opportunities to faculty members of major universities in developing countries
to pursue Ph.D. degrees at SNU.
◈ Eligibility
An applicant must be both:
1) a faculty member of a major university in a developing country* WITHOUT a Ph.D. degree
2) a newly admitted student to SNU as Ph.D. student for the Spring 2023 semester
※ Priority will be given to faculty members from major universities in developing countries in
Asia, Africa, South America etc. ※ The applicant must submit a note from the university that he/she is employed at as a faculty
member that they will maintain their position as a faculty member at the university after the
applicant returns after achieving a Ph.D at Seoul National University.
◈ Details of the Award
• Full tuition fee for six semesters
• KRW 1,500,000~2,000,000 monthly stipend for 3~4 years
• A round-trip airfare(economy class based on GTS system) • Korean language training (only evening class during regular semesters)
• National health Insurance coverage(amount of coverage can differ depending on the recipient’s
◈ Required Documents (Submission deadline: ~2022.12.13.(Tue))
• SPF Spring 2023 application form (including study plan)
• certificate of employment (as a faculty member)
☞ the certificate of employment must state:
(1) the name of the university the applicant is currently registered as a faculty member
(2) the address of the university the applicant is currently registered as a faculty member
(3) the department the applicant is employed in as a faculty member
(4) the name of the position that the applicant is employed as a faculty member
(5) since when the applicant was employed at the university as a faculty member
(6) confirmation that the university that he/she is employed at as a faculty member that
they will maintain their position as a faculty member at the university after the applicant
returns after achieving a Ph.D at Seoul National University
• academic transcript and graduation certificate (for both undergraduate and master’s degree)
• recommendation letter from a professor of the applicant’s designated department at SNU
• recommendation letter from the Dean or President of your current university of your home
• (bonus points) video link (research and teaching achievements, study plan, goals after graduation) - Students could submit their video files using the specified method(through YouTube)
- Presentations are limited to 5 minutes and applicants exceeding 5 minutes are disqualified.

◈ Inquiries
• Tel. +82-2-880-2519
• E-mail. eakin@snu.ac.kr